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What can we do to promote world peace?
"Go home and love your family."
-Mother Teresa

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Icy Blue

It looks like my online world skipped directly from summer to winter! I assure you, there were quite a few very long months of transition in between the two seasons. After three months in New Hampshire we have settled in remarkably well. C is enjoying her lovely local Waldorf School kindergarten, and J is happy in the predictable routine and social life of our household. We (my husband and I) have become houseparents at a community for developmentally disabled adults. We now have a much larger household to run, and that has taken some adjustment. The rewards are great however, and include the view above. My knitting hasn't suffered so far, but our internet connection has. Very infrequent decent connection means this is my first post in 4 months! I hope to get online more often in the months to come. Keep checking in!

1 comment:

Saints and Spinners said...

I look forward to seeing more updates!

My snowdrops are poking up through the ground, and they're in full-bloom at the local nursery. I've told my husband that a wonderful Valentine's Day present would be more snowdrops. How many is too many? I've not yet seen that number.