My daughter had her birthday recently, and I had a long bout of tiny sewing to keep me busy. She requested a new doll dress and a Little Red Riding Hood costume to go over top. I sewed the dress out of yellow and blue calico, with a bodice I embroidered by hand (free-form). The cape is made of red cotton velour lined in rose-patterned calico. It was fun to make, but I have to admit I was glad to get back to my knitting. Deadline sewing stresses me out. Who can disappoint a 7-year-old on her birthday?
This year her choice for cake was lemon cheesecake, and we had an enjoyable (if lengthy) time making lemon cheesecake with a lemon curd topping. (Triple Lemon Cheesecake from Luscious Lemon Desserts.) This is a truly delicious cake... The kind you want to eat waaay too much of.
Just want to let you know that this post marks the arrival of my high-speed internet! Thank you, Comcast (and our boss who made the installation possible!) So hopefully, I'll be posting a little more frequently now. I also have begun dividing my crafts for kids (Buttercup Corner) from my own sewing and knitting projects (now at my new blog Feel free to come find me there now too!
What a beautiful birthday it must have been. Yummy cake. Creative prezzies. Ahhh. Joy!
I just love handwork and posting it as well, and I enjoy seeing other mothers handwork and what creative ideas they come up with. What fun it must have been to make these things. And have such a wonderful party.
So glad to see you back! I look forward to more posts, on your new blog as well!
I've just put the lemon cookbook on my wishlist. Lemon curd is a weakness. Oh, lemon anything! (Lemonade + beer= shandy.)
I know what you mean about working on a deadline and not wanting to disappoint your daughter on her birthday. I was relieved when I was able to broker a trade so that someone else would make a Snow Maiden marionette for my daughter's 6th birthday.
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