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What can we do to promote world peace?
"Go home and love your family."
-Mother Teresa

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Little Sunshine

Ah there is light at the end of the tunnel! We had temperatures hovering around 75 degrees Fahrenheit today. It felt fabulous. Too bad I spent most of the day inside doing last-minute paperwork and folk-dancing! But I love it that I get to walk to and from workshops each day. Those 10 minute walks 4 times a day lift my spirits each time, regardless of the weather. Only 3 more days until we will begin our two weeks of spring vacation! We will be heading west to visit our good old friends and relatives... Can't deny that I also look forward to visiting all my old haunts: favorite bakery, my old LYS, and SALVATION ARMY, THANK GOD. I MISS YOU. (there are no thrift stores within one hour of my current location-- apparently New Englanders do rummage sales--which are mysterious and sporadic and in as-yet-unknown locations)

Here is a little sunshine (doll) to share with you. I made it as a special order for a special online pal, Alkelda, who is opening her own Etsy shop soon. Thanks again, Alkelda.


Jane said...

Your doll is really lovely,and i do have a challenge with going to yard sales, First finding them, second walking up to were the sale is they always seem to have such long driveways and they are always watching to see if you are going to buy : ) Thrift stores are just so much easier : )

Cadi said...

She's beautiful!

Saints and Spinners said...

I am looking forward to bringing my lovely sunflower doll out this summer! I started sunflower seeds inside 2 days ago. I don't know how they fare in other parts of the country, but around here, if I don't start seeds in a warm place between sheets of damp paper towels, I don't get sunflowers.

Anne said...

She's beautiful.
I love sunflowers. :)